27th September 2024

Search Thrapston Town Council

Serving the people of Thrapston


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Posted: Tue, 30 Jul 2024

Tags: Council Recruitment

Thrapston's 'Be Active' Project

Thrapston Town Council is looking to apply for funding for sports equipment to be erected in three green spaces around Thrapston, that are owned by the council.

We would like resident's input into where they would like to see sports equipment installed, including table tennis, badminton net, basketball hoop, football goal and various other apparatus.

We would appreciate all feedback and suggestions as... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 29 May 2024

Tags: Community Engagement, News

Northants CALC wellbeing survey

Northamptonshire County Association of Local Councils (Northants CALC) is working with your council to explore ways to improve the health and wellbeing offer in your area.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey linked below to give your ideas and feedback.

Closing date is 31st May.

Posted: Thu, 9 May 2024

Tags: News, Public Health

Help Thrapston become a Fairtrade town

Help Thrapston become a Fairtrade town

Fairtrade works with farmers and workers in developing countries so they can improve their living standards, invest in their communities and protect our shared environment. Fairtrade works to pay fair prices and uphold fair production standards and practices.

A vibrant Fairtrade town brings together a cross section of the community and unites them in supporting ethical shopping and buying, taking action... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 8 Feb 2024

Tags: Community Engagement, News

Clover Drive Play Area Opens

Clover Drive Play Area Opens

The brand new Clover Drive play area was opened on Thursday 11th January, with the ribbon being cut by Thrapston Town Mayor, Craig Wilcox.

Families and young children from the town were invited to attend and they received a goodie bag from the play equipment suppliers, Kompan.

Mayor Craig Wilcox said: "We're very excited to be able to welcome children to this new facility within the town. The play equipment... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 15 Jan 2024

Tags: Community Engagement, News

New play area in progress in Clover Drive

New play area in progress in Clover Drive

The new play area in Clover Drive is starting to take shape, with a proposed opening date of before Christmas.

Thanks to a £50,000 grant from FCC Communities Foundation, this brand new facility will have equipment that is suitable for children aged between 4 and 11 years old. It also includes new flooring and accessible equipment so children of all abilities can use it.

An official opening will... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 18 Dec 2023

Tags: News

Meadow Lane Car Park Closure

Meadow Lane Car Park Closure

Please be aware that the Meadow Lane car park will be closed Thursday, Friday and Saturday (7th, 8th and 9th December) this week due to the tree cutting taking place in the vicinity.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Posted: Mon, 4 Dec 2023

Tags: News

Clover Drive Play Area

Clover Drive Play Area

Work on a brand new children's play area in Clover Drive has begun after Thrapston Town Council received a grant of £50,000 from FCC Communities Foundation.

The brand new children's play area will accommodate play equipment suitable for children aged between 4 and 11 years old. It also includes new flooring and accessible equipment so children of all abilities can use it.

Mayor of Thrapston, Councillor... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 30 Nov 2023

Tags: News

Update on school transport policy

Thrapston Town Council have received an update from the executive member for highways regarding the Home to School Transport Policy which will come into effect from September 2024.

Councillor Matthew Binley has written to Thrapston Town Council to say that North Northamptonshire Council is 'committed to exploring mitigations to support local families'. North Northamptonshire Council intends to provide... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 18 Oct 2023

Tags: News

Plaza Community Centre roof repairs completed thanks to community grant

Plaza Community Centre roof repairs completed thanks to community grant

The roof restoration works at the Plaza Community Centre in Thrapston have been completed, following a £55,425 grant from the FCC Communities Foundation and monies set aside by the Town Council.

The external roofing has been replaced, rectifying damage caused through wear and tear over the years and providing a much better degree of insulation to the building. The works have helped ensure that... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 18 Sep 2023

Tags: News

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